Aanstaande maandagavond 17 januari zal Alessandro een online training verzorgen over het middenspel. Iedereen is welkom, maar spelers van het eerste en tweede team zullen niet veel nieuws horen. We gebruiken het Zoom account van ESV. Nadere gegevens, zoals inlogcodes, zijn aan de leden per email toegestuurd.
Aanvang 20.00.
Dear ESV chess players,
Next Monday Januari 17 Alessandro will give an online training on the middlegame. Everyone is welcome, but players from the first two teams will hardly encounter new items. The training will be in Dutch (bilingual trainings do not work well since they slow down the pace too much; but it is OK if you attend and ask questions in English which Alessandro will then paraphrase in Dutch etc.). If you are interested and would like to have the training in English, then please send an email to a.dibucchianico@kpnmail.nl so that he can schedule a separate session for an English spoken version of the training. We will use the ESV Zoom account . Details, like passcodes, have been sent to ESV members by email.
Start: 20.00 (8 pm)